Sunday, 19 October 2008

Happy as a pig in clabber

This is my latest painting ..... I am thinking of entering him into an Art Exhibition coming up soon.

Crossing Carrick-A-Rede rope bridge

This is me crossing the rope bridge .....very exciting ...... although I walked over and back and didn't have the nerve to look down ..... I know I'm a big coward .....

On top of Fairhead

This is me on top of Fairhead.

Ballycastle Beach at sunset

This is a photograph I took on the beach at sunset. I have tried to paint it without much success ....maybe someday I will have another go at it .......

Saturday, 18 October 2008

My blog

Everyone seems to have a blog now so I thought I might as well have one also. I will use it mainly in connection with my art and photographs.