Sunday, 19 October 2008

Happy as a pig in clabber

This is my latest painting ..... I am thinking of entering him into an Art Exhibition coming up soon.


Susan Borgas said...

Hi Anne, it is good to see you have started a blog up. I love this little guy. :D

Anne said...

Thank you Susan ......lovely of you to drop in I'm off to visit your blog ......

JJ said...

Hey you!

You need to paint some more pigs woman! He is still my favourite of all your paintings.......

José Carrilho (Go Detail) said...


Quite realistic.
At first it really seemed a photo to me, namely because of the realistic hues and values.



James F. Smith said...

Love that pig!! Very funny! Like your blog too. The good dark values really shows up the pics. Jim

Pauline x said...

Yes.... put him in a juried show..... he's a real attention-getter. Best...

Anne said...

Yes JJ ...will do!
Thanks Jose, James and Pauline!

Lokelani Forrest said...

Love your pig. For a minute I thought it was a photo. We have a pot-belly pig, but he is not as pretty as this one.