Sunday, 8 August 2010

Sheep Island

This is a lovely little secluded beach at Ballintoy. The island is Sheep Island and Rathlin Island can be seen behind it.


Caroline Simmill said...

Great clarity in your photo Anne. The sky is lovely the way it tapers into the far distance, great cloud shapes. The sun, yes it is incredible to see the sun again after all this rain, we too had a fine sunny day in the highlands. Makes me want to grab a boat and row out to that island in the distance Anne. Lovely photo.

Anne said...

Hi Caroline ....thanks so much .... feel free to use any of my photographs if you so wish.
I just wish I had a better camera but I have to make do with what I have ....

Caroline Simmill said...

Thank you Anne, my camera is not that great but it does the job ok for recording my paintings. I look forward to seeing more of your work here again Anne.